Tours, experiences and culture.
The activities are carried out in compliance
with current provisions,
in order to protect the safety
and health of participants
and operators.

You will arrive as visitors and leave with a little sense of belonging, a little more knowledge, and a new passion: our passion. All this, and much more that we leave to you to discover, gives birth to Etnavic.

“The story could be told as one of the countless fairy tales that hover around Etna. A mixture of north and south created by love and a common passion: Lei, A’ Muntagna.
The first time the north met the south, he was charmed by a red tongue of lava that dominated the horizon, above the lights of Catania. And from there a crescendo between roars, lapilli, smokes and thousands of colors and shades. The books to learn more, the work that has chosen us now some years ago, the passion for the volcano and for the people who, invariably, are kidnapped. There is a passionate, talkative figure from the north who recounts her “experience on the contrary” and everything you don’t know about the meaning of living at the foot of the volcano. Then there is the autochthonous Sicilian, Catanese doc, colorful, folkloric, but that has the professionalism and precision of a Nordic. Both share a common mission: the need to make known places, stories but especially to get passionate about this world apart from that is called Etna.
You will arrive as visitors and leave with a little sense of belonging, a little more knowledge, and a new passion: our passion.
From all this, and from much more that we leave to discover to you, was born Etnavic.


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