(translated with google translate)
Snow knocked on the door earlier than expected this year. It is not yet December, and usually at this point of the year we are still far from thinking about turning on the heating, instead the flakes have already covered of white also the Sapienza Refuge at 2,000 meters.
Yesterday, to reach 3,000 meters, we used the snowcat. And for someone who came here from very far away it was the first time ever: first time on the snow, first time on a volcano ... a unique emotion!
We brought extra heavy jackets, scarves and gloves, and went to spy closely on the summit craters, which have not stopped performing since September.
Then it is up to you to want to go deeper, to discover the intimate and the difficult, or to remain with a more general and comfortable knowledge, which invariably leaves you wanting to come back and learn a little more.
But at that point the anxieties are left in the hotel, because what you are left with is only the impatience to have a new and different experience.
So, no worries, don’t miss this experience! Etna is within everyone’s reach, all year round. And don’t be afraid to cover us with questions. We will be here to answer you, impatient to bring you to see for yourself and to leave you a memory that, we already know, you will not forget.